The National Centre for 城市连接 Ireland will be located within the 圣母无玷学院's Curriculum Development Unit


校本干预计划, 在不列颠哥伦比亚省林奇学院开发, addresses the out-of-school challenges that directly impact students’ capacity to thrive and achieve

太阳城网赌平台’s long tradition of engagement with Ireland will soon experience a growth spurt.

城市连接, the BC-developed school-based intervention system, will officially launch the National Centre for 城市连接 Ireland (NCCCI) on May 30 at 圣母无玷学院 in Limerick, the initiative’s first foreign expansion.

Irish Minister for Education Norma Foley is anticipated to attend and inaugurate the evidence-based program that effectively addresses the out-of-school challenges that directly impact students’ capacity to thrive and achieve within the educational system.

BC Lynch School Professor Emerita Mary Walsh, founder of 城市连接. (摄影:Caitlin Cunningham)

20多年前由玛丽E. Walsh, the Lynch School of Education and Human Development-based 城市连接 has operated domestically in 90 schools across nine states. The program integrates education with existing social services, 青年发展, 健康, 心理健康资源. Numerous studies published in top-tier journals have demonstrated that 城市连接 schools produce dramatic improvement in their students’ grades, standardized test scores and long-term academic success.

自2019年以来, BC and 圣母无玷学院 (麦克风) have been collaborating on the acculturation and implementation of 城市连接 within the Irish context. 城市连接 has been piloted since the 2020-2021 academic year in 10 of Dublin’s North-East Inner City primary schools. These schools are part of the national Delivering Equality of Opportunity in Schools (DEIS) program, which serves students who are designated as being at risk of educational disadvantage and social exclusion.

“NCCCI’s launch is the culmination of five years of piloting, 测试, 完善“城市互联”模式,沃尔什说。, 城市连接执行董事. “The Irish educational community widely acknowledges the program’s success in providing every student a tailored plan of services and enrichments to address the student’s needs, 的优势, 和利益.  We are delighted to share this approach to ‘whole child education,’ and to bring it to bear on poverty’s impact within Ireland’s high performing school system.  

“Doing this work in partnership with 麦克风 and the government of Ireland has been a source of deep 学习ing for BC,沃尔什说。, a Lynch School professor emerita and the daughter of Irish immigrants. She also serves as a senior fellow and founding director of the 玛丽E. Walsh Center for Thriving Children at the Lynch School.

NCCCI will be located within 麦克风’s Curriculum Development Unit, and the program’s rollout has already begun in Dublin’s North-East Inner City schools. The overall goal, subject to government funding, is to expand to other high-poverty sites in Ireland.

"城市连接 offers an evidence-based strategic, 系统的, and systemic response to the need to support children to flourish, 学习, 过着幸福的生活."
EUCHARIA麦卡锡, 圣母无玷学院

“We believe that 城市连接 holds the potential to enhance the DEIS’s scheme through building on existing successes and supports and increasing their effectiveness through collaboration and partnership,尤查里亚·麦卡锡说, 课程发展组主任. “城市连接 offers an evidence-based strategic, 系统的, and systemic response to the need to support children to flourish, 学习, 过着幸福的生活. These outcomes for children strongly echo the aspirations of the 2022 European Union Child Guarantee: Ireland’s National Action Plan.”

麦克风, 成立于1898年, is a coeducational Catholic college that serves nearly 5,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students on two campuses.  麦克风 consistently educates 40 percent of Ireland’s elementary school teachers. 就像公元前, the college seeks to foster in its students a spirit of justice and compassion in the service of others, grounded in the vision of the Catholic Sisters of Mercy who believe that all individuals, 尤其是那些最被边缘化的人, 是否有权接受教育.  

According to 麦克风 President Eugene Wall, 城市连接 offers a structured way to support an integrated model, enabling services to respond appropriately, 有效地, 而且成本效益高, thereby enhancing the life chances of every child.

“The strong alignment of vision and shared commitment of BC and 麦克风—together with the support of the Irish government—to make a positive difference in children’s lives has culminated in this vibrant, 跨大西洋合作.”

“We are thrilled about the launch of the new 城市连接 center at 圣母无玷学院,斯坦顿说.F. 沃瑟姆,查尔斯F. 多诺万,年代.J.林奇商学院(Lynch School)院长. “我们与麦克风同事的合作关系, and with Irish educators and policymakers, 非常有成效. The program has proven itself to be both cost-effective and highly successful at achieving academic and whole person outcomes for students in challenging circumstances. It’s wonderful to see this excellent intervention make a difference for young people in Ireland as well as in the United States.”