
The Boston College School of Theology and Ministry will be named the Gloria L. and Charles I. 克拉夫神学院和事工,以纪念大学最忠诚和慷慨的两位恩人, whose $25 million gift—one of the largest ever to a school of theology, divinity, 或宗教太阳城官网——将进一步巩固学校在神学太阳城官网方面的全球领先地位.

Charles “Chuck” Clough Jr., ‘64, 他是波士顿投资公司克拉夫资本合伙公司(Clough Capital Partners)的董事长兼首席投资官,也是波士顿大主教管区被任命的永久执事, has served BC as a trustee or trustee associate since 1994, including a term as board chair from 1999-2002. 他还共同主持了该大学的“点亮世界资本”运动,并担任华尔街委员会的名誉主席. He is the 1991 recipient of the William V. McKenney Award, given to a BC graduate whose service reflects honor on the University, and the James F. Cleary ’50, H. ’93 Masters Award for a lifetime of service to Boston College.

Gloria Clough, M.Div. ‘90, M.S. ’96, 她是一名精神病临床护理专家,获得了不列颠哥伦比亚省康奈尔护理学院的硕士学位和前韦斯顿耶稣会神学院的神学硕士学位, 该学院于2008年与太阳城网赌平台合并成立了神学与事工学院. She established the chaplaincy program at Emerson Hospital in Concord, Mass., where she served as the first Catholic chaplain. 她也是艾默生医院董事会主席,也是Bridge Over Troubled Waters的董事会成员和前任主席, a non-profit organization serving homeless and at-risk youth.

Gloria and Chuck Clough

Gloria Clough, M.Div. ‘90, M.S. ’96 and Charles “Chuck” Clough Jr., ‘64 (Lee Pellegrini)

STM Dean Michael McCarthy, S.J., 说神学院和事工学院以克拉夫命名是一件幸事, given their personal alignment with the school’s mission, values, and culture.

“In so many ways, Gloria and Chuck Clough represent everything the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry stands for: a deep faith; a commitment to the Catholic Church over so many years of change, crisis, and renewal; an understanding of the importance of theological education; and a personal experience of ecclesial ministry,” said Fr. McCarthy. “Their many virtues are so evident to me, 以及他们对学校在未来几年对教会的贡献的真实愿景. Not only am I grateful for them and this amazing gift, I am proud that their name will grace our school.” 

Hosffman Ospino, STM副教授,学校宗教教育与教牧部主任, offered similar praise.

“格洛丽亚和查克·克拉夫的礼物是对STM作为天主教神学和牧师培育的国家和国际中心所发挥的重要作用的响亮肯定,” said Ospino. “作为一名教授和太阳城官网人员,我致力于培养下一代教会牧师,让他们真正理解在一个多元化的教会和复杂的世界中服务意味着什么, 感谢大家对我的支持和信任,让我以开拓进取的精神继续前进.”

Margaret Guider, OSF, Professora Ordinaria on the school’s ecclesiastical faculty, added: “Over the years, Gloria and Chuck have embodied what it truly means to be persons for others. Together, they have embraced and shared the vocation of diakonia, 他们以无数的方式,在教会和世界上为上帝的子民服务. Through their gift, the generosity, self-giving, 他们在生活中所表现出来的领导力,现在表现为对美国和世界各地神学和事工未来的启发和支持."

In so many ways, Gloria and Chuck Clough represent everything the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry stands for: a deep faith; a commitment to the Catholic Church over so many years of change, crisis, and renewal; an understanding of the importance of theological education; and a personal experience of ecclesial ministry. . . Not only am I grateful for them and this amazing gift, I am proud that their name will grace our school.
Michael McCarthy, S.J., School of Theology and Ministry Dean

克拉夫夫妇说,他们很荣幸自己的名字能永远与他们非常钦佩的学校联系在一起, 它在为教会培养宗教领袖和世俗领袖方面发挥着至关重要的作用.

“神学与事工学院将在未来50年为天主教会提供最优质的人才,” said Chuck Clough.  “It attracts terrific young people who really want to serve the Church. That is a tremendous promise for the future, 它将帮助我们实现教皇约翰二十三世关于教会是上帝子民的理解.”

“我对教会的期望是,教友们能在帮助教会变得更加开放方面发挥更大的作用,” said Gloria Clough. “The STM is a place where Jesuits, religious, and laypeople are formed side by side in a vibrant, loving community. 它创造了一个环境,让这些不同的群体走到一起,相互学习. 神学与事工学院让我对教会及其未来充满希望,因为这里正在进行的重要工作.”

太阳城网赌平台以优异成绩毕业,主修历史,辅修经济学, Chuck Clough earned an M.B.A. 在从事证券和投资57年的杰出职业生涯之前,他获得了芝加哥大学的学位. As a deacon, 他曾在监狱部和当地教区担任天主教牧师, the Concord Carlisle Collaborative in Concord. He and Gloria, who recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary, have hosted Catholic spiritual retreats for students, young professionals, and couples for decades and remain active in parish ministry.

为了感谢太阳城网赌平台在他们和他们四个孩子的生活中所扮演的重要角色, three of whom earned degrees from BC, 2008年,查克和格洛丽亚成立了克拉夫宪政民主太阳城官网中心, 致力于跨学科反思美国和全世界宪政的前景和问题. They also established the Clough Colloquium in the Carroll School of Management, 该网站邀请来自各个领域和背景的国内和国际领导人分享他们个人和职业生涯中的经验教训和见解.  

“My years at BC were very formational,” said Chuck Clough. “I really matured here, and it is where I caught the idea of aspiration. 我在一些我曾经遇到过的最好的老师的指导下努力学习,培养了自信和纪律. I got so much out of Boston College; I am happy to be able to give back.”

Added Gloria Clough, “I wanted to go to BC, but my father died when I was 16 and my mother could not afford to send me here, 所以当我报名攻读护理硕士学位时,我最小的孩子才上大二, I got to experience firsthand what a truly special place it is.  Earlier in my life, STM’s first dean, Dick Clifford, welcomed me at Weston Jesuit, which prepared me to become a hospital chaplain. Boston College has played a special role in the life of our family. 我们很荣幸能够支持BC大学及其杰出的神学院和事工学院.”

一个全球性的神学太阳城官网中心植根于耶稣会,天主教传统,格洛里亚L. and Charles I. Clough School of Theology and Ministry prepares ministers, scholars, and leaders to serve the needs of the Church and the world. 还有英国广播公司莫里西艺术与科学学院的神学系, it is ranked 10th worldwide in theology, divinity, and religious studies by the QS Global rankings, and draws students from throughout the nation and more than 24 countries.

Jack Dunn | University Communications