

T在这里 are many opportunities for students to take elective courses at the many varied institutions partnered with BC. We encourage students to take advantage of global engagement and education and we will work with you to help make it happen.

全球教育办公室(OGE), 位于Hovey House, coordinates  study abroad opportunities and can provide detailed information about specific programs. OGE helps plan and coordinate your study abroad semester or year from beginning to end: from offering advice about various programs; applying to and planning your course of study at whatever program you may choose; and transferring credits and grades back to BC when you return after having successfully completed your studies abroad. 

第一步 在留学的过程中,在OGE网站上做一些太阳城官网.


To ensure that students are able to complete the requirements for the MCAS 经济学 major or 小 in time for graduation, all students must have completed Statistics and either Micro or Macro 的ory before studying abroad. We strongly recommend that both 的ory courses and Econometric Methods are completed before studying abroad as well, 因为这些课程必须不迟于大三.

获得经济学专业学分的要求, 小, 或者专注于国外的课程.

的 following requirements must be met for a course to transfer back credits towards the major or 小:

  1. MCAS经济学专业和辅修, and CSOM 经济学 concentrators must earn at least a B- in at least one of the Intermediate 的ory courses before going abroad.

  2. Micro 的ory, Macro 的ory, Statistics and  Econometric Methods cannot be taken abroad.

  3. 到国外上课的内容必须经过批准. 的 Director of 本科 Studies (DUS) for 经济学 will determine if the course counts as a lower-level (2000 level) or upper-level (3000 level) elective. As a general rule of thumb, lower-level courses require Principles (ECON1101) as a prerequisite. Upper-level electives require Micro and/or Macro 的ory, at a minimum, as prerequisites. Please send a detailed and complete course syllabus to the (DUS) to have the course(s) reviewed and approved. 注:虽然过去学期的教学大纲可以作为有用的指导, ultimately the DUS will need to approve the syllabus for the semester in which the student will be abroad. Please do NOT send the DUS all syllabi from an institution to review; instead decide upon the classes that interest you, 看看你能不能确定课程的等级, 然后通过电子邮件发送给DUS获得官方批准. Also remember that the courses from abroad that count towards your MCAS 经济学 major or 小, must be similar to what you could take at BC in the 经济学系 and not in CSOM.

    Students seeking credit for the BC Core will need to consult with the BC academic department responsible for the relevant areas of the core. 可以找到更多信息 在这里.

  4. 该课程必须有适当的学分数. OGE决定课程学分. If you have questions about the number of credit hours a course has, please check with the 学术运营管理员

  5. 的 student must receive a C- or above in the course (if taken in an external program) to receive transfer credit at BC.

  6. You cannot have exceeded the limit of courses that can be taken “outside of the department.” General department policy is that students may apply up to three external credits (e.g., AP考试,WCAS,出国留学)学生可以选修一门入门课程(e.g.(ECON1101)和BC省经济系以外的两门选修课.  Students studying abroad for an entire year are allowed an extra elective, however. 所有中级课程(i.e. 的ories, Statistics, and Econometrics) must be taken through the BC 经济学 department. 转学生除外. 一般来说是单学期的海外项目, students may take a maximum of two courses abroad; for full-year programs, 学生最多可以在国外修三门课程. 之前修过暑期课程的学生, those with advanced placement should discuss their individual situations with the DUS. (你可以看到更多关于这些限制的细节 常见问题解答 页面.). Please note that it is not always possible to take more than one elective abroad so careful planning is required.

  7. A course must generally be a 3 credit course to qualify but you may combine two 2-credit-hour courses to count for one elective, 或者三门两学分的课程来算两门选修课. 的 Department collects a list of classes it has approved and will share it with students. 学生服务中心也有这份名单的副本. 因此, 如果你选的课程在名单上, it will automatically be placed on your degree audit when Student Services receives the grade from the host university, 假设您已经满足了上面列出的所有其他要求.


经济学 majors and 小s must contact OGE to apply for study abroad and to plan their semester or year abroad. Those planning to participate in the 荣誉项目 are strongly advised to identify a thesis topic and a faculty supervisor before going abroad, especially if the student will be abroad during the spring semester of their junior year. Very tight deadlines during the fall semester of senior year make this advance planning essential. 考虑攻读博士学位的学生.D. work in economics or related disciplines should plan their programs abroad with particular care.